Designer Purse University Studies

For many females the desire to work in fashion can be instinctual in a way that makes sense in terms of every individual male or female is best suited to pursuing career paths that offer time spent working within the realms of ones personal interests.

There are some apt saying that relate to this very concept of finding your passion including the age old saying that has been credited to Confucius which when paraphrased states that, "if you find a way to get paid for doing something that you love you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Unfortunately for many aspiring fashion designers of both purses and dresses the road to realizing the desirable aspects of the business can be paved with years of lower level entry work that is far too often unpaid and under-appreciated. But alas, this is the life of an individual putting in an appropriate apprenticeship of sorts.

For many young women (and to a lesser extend young men) an awareness of an interest in creating designer purses from a young age often results in finding college programs that foster this sort of learning and allows for new grads to already be a leg up on others competing for the minimal jobs that are available. Exactly how much these college programs help career wise is a matter of debate. Does a young girl who spend time trying to figure out a University of California Irvine map to get to her fashion design classes in Southern California really know more about the business when she gets her degree?

Most experts will tell you that the biggest reason to get that degree in fashion whether it's in California or New York at the Fashion Institute of Technology is because it's the sort of resume builder that will get a young lady's foot in the door so that her application is noticed and she's given a chance to shine in an entry level type position where over time she can prove herself and move up the corporate ladder so that sooner rather than later she's hobnobbing with celebrities at Fashion Week in Los Angeles.