Cheap Purses Southeast Asia

Cheap purses found in Southeast Asia are commonly sought out for replica handbags to be sold around the world. Most Americans who have been in big cities have probably come across cheap fake designer purses sold on the streets of Americans largest cities in places like New York City and Los Angeles. The purses that are sold on the street and in markets are imitation fashion purses and have to come to the US from somewhere and more often than not these cheap purses come from Southeast Asia where they are often made in sweat shops by children and dramatically underpaid workers that have to work in miserable unsafe conditions. Buying purses from vendors on the street supports the exploitation of workers in the poorest regions of Asia.

The best way to protest the inhumane treatment of children and other workers is to vote with your pocketbook (pun intended) and let it be known that you will not indirectly financially support these arcane business practices that degrade human being and belittle them. Sadly, most of the workers have few if any other options and are effectively slave labor that is paid a few cents a day. As many people saw when Nike and consequently Michael Jordan caught much deserved flack in the 1990's when it was publicly released that Nike may have had child labor assembling sneakers in poor regions of the world. The pressure that the public put on a global player like Nike forced Nike to evaluate what they were doing and eventually to change their practices for fear of losing the all mighty dollar that every company is dependent upon to survive. In many instances these companies do not have a conscious and all they care about is appeasing shareholders. It is up to the public to have the conscious these companies are lacking and force through boycotting the changes that should be understood without rallying persuasion. The same issues that Nike had to deal with are even more common with supposedly cheap authentic designer purses that are more often than not just more knockoffs. As the Roman's said: Caveat emptor. The Latin translates to "buyer beware."

In the instance of cheap purses made in Southeast Asia it is very difficult to track down knockoffs to their original point of origin. As such, there is almost no accountability in terms of what is appropriate to do when it comes to keeping manufactures in check about the horrific conditions that workers are finding themselves in. As consumers with influence the most pivotal action women and men alike can do is to boycott all fake purses from cheap designers that come from untraceable and unreliable sources. Perhaps the reason this issue isn't on the forefront of America's mind is simply because Michael Moore hasn't made a documentary about it yet.

Of course it is pricey to pay top dollar for brand name items like Michael Kors handbags and other top line designers. The consequences though of the alternative is far more expensive as it deals with human capital. Make informed decisions as a consumer and buy legitimate products in your price range. There is nothing as attractive as knowing that the product you're carrying did not come from workers suffering in conditions that you can not even image. Take pride in knowing that when you make the right decision you're not carrying around cheap purses from Southeast Asia.