Cheap Authentic Designer Purses
Inexpensive fake handbags are easy it find - it's the cheap authentic designer purses that are the real scored. The legitimate thing is easy to find but the real question is how to get the best deals possible. The dream is to get a great bag from a real top of the line manufacturer like any number of Michael Kors handbags or any other premium brand at a bargain basement price. Believe it or not women all over the United States are doing just this on a daily basis and doing it completely legally. Can you imagine how smug you would be if you knew you were paying wholesale when everyone else is paying retail?
If you want to pay wholesale prices then do just that ... find a way to pay factory pricing that top distributors pay when they buy in bulk with the promise to only sell the bags in upscale locations and to follow the designers instructions regarding pricing, etc. to the letter. When it comes to high end goods like expensive purses there is not usually a lot of leverage from the end of the distributor (retail location distributing the bags to the public) because the manufacturer has the control. To understand why all of this control is held on one side of the equation it is important to consider how the relationship works.
The likelihood of a designer succeeding is very small. It is even less likely that any given designer would become one of the top names in the business. The percent of this happening is less than .01%. That is less than one in every ten thousand. At first that sounds like a very large number until considering how many designers take the shot at greatness every year. Clearly as the numbers indicate the vast majority of them fail. The ones that do succeed have a combination of luck, connections, and good resources. Once a brand is hot if it is properly handled the bags will practically sell themselves because the reputation precedes them. Managing the brand from this point on is a matter of intelligent but conservative future designs and spending an appropriate amount of money on the right types of advertising. Strangely too much advertising can be a bad thing. If a brand is posted up on every billboard around town it will look more like an over exposed brand instead of a high profile exclusive distinct purse that everyone wants but most can't afford.
In order to get wholesale priced cheap authentic designer purses you need to be well connected with the managers and better yet the owners of outlets. If you don't already know the people in these positions make an effort to get to know them. If authentic designer purses are something that you really are enthusiastic about consider opening up a boutique shop of your own. Even though it will be some time (if ever) before high end brands have enough confidence in you to allow your store to sell their product you will network and become friends with people in the industry through trade shows and other similar events. Over time you'll develop bonds that will allow you to trade favors with your new friends and that includes getting cheap authentic designer purses.
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